Terms & Conditions


The outlined terms and conditions apply to all visitors or users and clients (hereinafter referred inclusively as “clients”) of Conperior Academy and its platforms, a property of Conperior Group (Pty) Ltd. All “clients”, by using Conperior Academy services and platforms confirm that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined herein. All clients undertake to always comply with the terms and conditions outlined herein.

1. Definitions

1.1 “Conperior Academy” shall refer to the digital-based educational service provider, a property of Conperior Group (Pty) Ltd with registration number: 2019 / 493000 / 07.
1.2 “Client”, any non-paying or paying individual or entity visiting, using, or interacting with Conperior Academy or its products or services.
1.3 “Parent/guardian”, any legal person acting as guardian or surety of a prospective or registered learner of Conperior Academy.
1.4 “Student/learner” refers to an individual conducting or seeking to conduct their studies with Conperior Academy.
1.5 “Conperior Academy Staff” or simply “Staff”, refers to individuals contracted to work for and by Conperior Academy.
1.6 “Enrolment”, the process of registering a learner/student to study with Conperior Academy, completed by the signing of an enrolment contract/agreement upon payment of a minimum fee as prescribed by Conperior Academy.
1.7 “Curriculum” refers to an educational structure as designed and offered by any of the examining boards supported by Conperior Academy.
1.8 “Rules for Parents” refers to the guidelines and expectations set by Conperior Academy for parents or guardians of students, outlining their responsibilities, behavior, and involvement in their child's education.
1.9 “Code of Conduct for Students” refers to the set of rules and standards that students are expected to adhere to while using Conperior Academy's platforms or participating in its programs. This code of conduct establishes behavioral expectations, respect for others, academic integrity, and appropriate use of resources.
1.10 “Educator” refers to qualified individuals employed or contracted by Conperior Academy to provide instruction, guidance, and support to students. Educators may include teachers, tutors, facilitators, or subject matter experts.
1.11 “Disciplinary Committee” refers to a body appointed by Conperior Academy to handle disciplinary matters and resolve disputes regarding violations of the Code of Conduct, or any other rules or policies set forth by Conperior Academy.
1.12 “Fees” refers to the payment required from clients for accessing or using the services, resources, or programs offered by Conperior Academy. The specific fees, payment terms, and methods will be detailed in the relevant sections of Conperior Academy's platforms or communicated separately.
1.13 “Conperior Academy Platforms”, official Conperior Academy websites, including but not limited to its main website and learning management platforms, social and communications platforms. Physical premises owned by Conperior Academy either through direct ownership or rental or otherwise.
1.14 “Services” refers to the educational, training, and support services provided by Conperior Academy, including but not limited to online courses, tutoring, assessments, and educational resources.
1.15 “Conperior Academy Remedial Services” refers to specialized educational services provided by Conperior Academy to address the specific learning needs of students requiring additional support or assistance.

2. Enrolments

To enroll with Conperior Academy, prospective learners are required to follow the application process available on the main Conperior Academy website at www.conperioracademy.com. The following steps outline the enrollment procedure:

2.1 Application Process: Prospective learners must navigate to the main Conperior Academy website and select the desired course from the available options under the supported curricula. They will then be prompted to complete and submit the application forms provided. These forms will be carefully reviewed by Conperior Academy to assess the suitability of the applicant.
2.2 Provisional Acceptance: Upon review of the application, Conperior Academy will issue a provisional acceptance to the learner, indicating their successful progress in the application process. However, the enrollment will be considered final only after the learner completes the next step.
2.3 Payment of Processing Fee: To secure their enrollment, learners must submit a non-refundable processing fee as prescribed by Conperior Academy. Once the payment is received, the learner's enrollment will be confirmed, and they will be granted access to the Conperior Academy student portal.
2.4 Access to Student Portal: Login details to access the Conperior Academy student portal will be emailed to the enrolled learner. This portal serves as the primary platform for accessing Conperior Academy's resources, services, and course materials.
2.5 Duration of Access: Learners enrolled in courses offered by Conperior Academy under different plans will be granted access to specific resources and services as stipulated for the enrolled plan. The duration of this access will be clearly outlined in the specific plan. If there are no premature termination conditions specified in the enrolment agreement, access to the resources and services will cease at the end of the stipulated duration.
Please note that the enrollment process may be subject to additional terms and conditions outlined in the enrolment agreement. It is essential for prospective learners to review the complete terms and conditions and seek clarification on any specific requirements or obligations before proceeding with the enrollment process. Should you have any questions or require further assistance during the enrollment process, our dedicated support team is available to provide guidance and support.

3. Fees Payments and Subscriptions

Fees payable to Conperior Academy are an essential part of accessing our services and must be settled on or before the deadlines specified in the enrolment agreement. To ensure a smooth payment process, please note the following guidelines:

3.1 Proof of Payment: Payment to Conperior Academy is considered valid only upon receipt of legitimate proof of payment and after bank clearance. Clients are responsible for providing accurate and verifiable proof of payment, such as a transaction reference number, bank statement, or payment receipt.
3.2 Acknowledgment of Payment: Once the payment is verified, the client will receive an official invoice from Conperior Academy acknowledging the receipt of payment. This confirmation serves as proof of payment and will be sent to the client via the designated communication channel.
3.3 Reasonable Fees and Subscriptions: Conperior Academy charges reasonable fees and subscriptions for its services and products. These fees are carefully determined to reflect the value and quality of the education and resources provided. Detailed information about the applicable fees and subscriptions can be found in the enrolment agreement or on our website.
3.4 Convenient Payment Methods: To make the payment process hassle-free, Conperior Academy offers various payment methods or gateways. Clients can choose the most convenient option from the available payment methods, which may include bank transfers, online payment platforms, or other secure payment gateways. Specific instructions and details regarding the accepted payment methods will be provided during the enrolment process.
3.5 Queries and Support: If there are any concerns or questions regarding fees, payment methods, or subscriptions, clients are encouraged to reach out to our dedicated support team. We are here to assist you and provide guidance throughout the payment process. Please note that failure to settle fees within the specified deadlines may result in a delay or disruption of access to Conperior Academy's resources and services. It is essential to adhere to the payment deadlines outlined in the enrolment agreement to ensure uninterrupted learning and engagement with our educational programs. If you require further assistance or clarification regarding fees or payment-related matters, our support team is available to assist you promptly.

4. Privacy and Data Protection

Conperior Academy values the privacy and protection of personal information collected from its clients and operates in compliance with the South African Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) of 2013. We are committed to ensuring the security and appropriate use of client data.

4.1 Collection and Use of Personal Information: Conperior Academy may collect personal information from clients for the purpose of providing educational services and improving the learning experience. This information may include names, contact details, academic records, and other relevant data. The collected information will be used solely for the intended purposes and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
4.2 Recording and Use of Multimedia: During the provision of our services, Conperior Academy may record videos, audio, and/or photographs of participants for marketing purposes on both digital and physical platforms. Such recordings may also be used for replay in future classes. We ensure that the use of such multimedia is carried out in compliance with the South African POPIA Act of 2013.
4.3 Consent for Minors: In the event that a minor appears in such recordings, the parent/guardian of the child consents to the use of the recorded material for marketing and educational purposes without prior notification from Conperior Academy or its staff. However, if the parent/guardian wishes to withhold consent, they must provide written notice to Conperior Academy, stating their objection to the publication of such recordings.
4.4 Responsibility of Parents/Guardians: If the parent/guardian has withheld consent for their child's recordings to be used, it is their responsibility to ensure that their child's video or photography recording devices are disabled during online sessions. Any audio recorded of such a student shall be censored in the publications of the recorded material.
4.5 Data Security: Conperior Academy takes appropriate measures to safeguard client data and employs industry-standard security protocols to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss of personal information. We regularly review and update our security practices to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of client data.
4.6 Third-Party Disclosure: Conperior Academy does not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer client personal information to third parties unless required by law or necessary for the provision of our services. We may engage trusted third-party service providers who assist us in operating our platforms and delivering services, but they are bound by strict confidentiality agreements and only have access to personal information to the extent necessary to perform their functions.
4.7 Client Rights: Clients have the right to access, update, correct, or request the deletion of their personal information held by Conperior Academy. Requests for such actions should be directed to our designated contact, and we will respond in a timely manner in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

5. Undertaking by Parents

5.1 Parents or guardians of learners enrolled with Conperior Academy undertake to support and encourage their child's education and actively participate in their learning journey.
5.2 Parents or guardians shall ensure that their child adheres to the rules and guidelines set forth by Conperior Academy, including the Code of Conduct for Students.
5.3 Parents or guardians shall promptly communicate with Conperior Academy regarding any concerns, issues, or changes that may affect their child's enrollment or participation in Conperior Academy's programs.
5.4 Parents or guardians understand and accept that their child's progress and academic performance may be influenced by factors beyond the control of Conperior Academy, and they agree not to hold Conperior Academy liable for such factors.

6. Undertaking by Conperior Academy

6.1 Conperior Academy undertakes to provide educational services and support to enrolled learners to the best of its abilities and in accordance with the agreed-upon terms and conditions.
6.2 Conperior Academy shall strive to maintain a safe and conducive learning environment, both in physical premises and online platforms, and to address any concerns or issues raised by learners or their parents/guardians promptly and fairly.
6.3 Conperior Academy reserves the right to make reasonable modifications to its programs, curriculum, schedules, or services as deemed necessary to enhance the quality of education and meet the evolving needs of learners.
6.4 Conperior Academy shall maintain the confidentiality and privacy of learners' personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws.

7. Students’ Code of Conduct

7.1 All learners enrolled with Conperior Academy are required to adhere to the Students' Code of Conduct, which outlines the expected standards of behavior and ethics while interacting with Conperior Academy's platforms, staff, and fellow learners.
7.2 Learners shall treat others with respect, honesty, and fairness, and refrain from engaging in any form of harassment, discrimination, bullying, or disruptive behavior that may hinder the learning experience of themselves or others.
7.3 Conperior Academy reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary measures, including but not limited to warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion, in cases of violations of the Students' Code of Conduct.

8. Academic Integrity Policy

8.1 Conperior Academy expects all learners to uphold the principles of academic integrity, which include honesty, fairness, and the proper acknowledgment of sources in their academic work.
8.2 Learners shall not engage in any form of plagiarism, cheating, or academic dishonesty, and they shall submit their own original work unless otherwise instructed by the educators.
8.3 Conperior Academy may employ plagiarism detection tools or techniques to evaluate the authenticity of learners' work and ensure the maintenance of academic integrity.
8.4 Instances of academic misconduct may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to academic penalties, re-evaluation of assignments, or disqualification from specific programs or courses.

9. Communications

9.1 Conperior Academy may communicate with learners, parents, or guardians through various channels, including email, WhatsApp, phone, or through the Conperior Academy Platforms.
9.2 It is the responsibility of learners and parents or guardians to maintain updated contact information with Conperior Academy and promptly respond to any communications or notifications sent by Conperior Academy.
9.3 Conperior Academy shall make reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of its communications but shall not be held liable for any consequences resulting from the failure to receive or respond to such communications in a timely manner.

10. Cyberbullying

Conperior Academy is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all clients. Cyberbullying, which refers to the use of digital platforms or technology to harass, intimidate, or harm others, is strictly prohibited. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards cyberbullying and will take appropriate action to address any instances that come to our attention.

10.1 Reporting Cyberbullying: If a client experiences or witnesses cyberbullying on any of Conperior Academy's platforms or services, we strongly encourage them to report the incident immediately. Reports can be made to the designated contact or through the reporting mechanisms provided on the platforms. It is essential to provide as much information as possible, including any relevant screenshots, messages, or other evidence to aid in the investigation.
10.2 Consequences of Cyberbullying: Conperior Academy takes all reports of cyberbullying seriously. Upon receiving a report, we will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the validity of the complaint. If a client is found to have engaged in cyberbullying, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken, which may include temporary or permanent suspension of platform access, termination of services, or legal action, as deemed necessary.
10.3 Support and Resources: We understand that cyberbullying can have a significant impact on individuals' well-being and academic performance. Conperior Academy is committed to providing support to clients affected by cyberbullying. We encourage clients to reach out to our support team for assistance, guidance, or counseling. We also offer resources and educational materials on cyberbullying awareness and prevention to help clients develop a better understanding of the issue and its impact.

11. Limitation of Liability

Conperior Academy may include links or references to third-party content, websites, or platforms for additional resources or information. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, or legality of such third-party content. Clients should exercise caution and review the terms and policies of any external platforms before engaging with them.

11.1 Exclusion of Damages: To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Conperior Academy and its affiliates, partners, employees, or agents shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with the use of our platforms, services, or content. This limitation of liability applies regardless of the cause of action, including but not limited to negligence, breach of contract, or any other theory of liability.
11.2 Applicable Law: In jurisdictions where limitations on liability are not enforceable, our liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

12. Educational Services and Study Materials

12.1 Conperior Academy provides educational services and study materials to its enrolled learners. These services may include but are not limited to online classes, tutorials, assessments, and access to learning resources.
12.2 The study materials provided by Conperior Academy are intended for the sole use of enrolled learners and are protected by copyright laws. Clients agree not to reproduce, distribute, or share these materials without the explicit permission of Conperior Academy.
12.3 Conperior Academy strives to ensure the accuracy and quality of the educational services and study materials provided. However, the academy does not guarantee the completeness, timeliness, or suitability of the materials for any particular purpose. Clients acknowledge that their use of the materials is at their own risk.

13. Remedial Services

13.1 Conperior Academy offers remedial services to learners who require additional support in their studies. These services may include personalized tutoring, study plans, and additional resources tailored to the learner's specific needs.
13.2 The availability and scope of remedial services may vary based on the individual learner's requirements and the resources available at Conperior Academy.
13.3 Conperior Academy endeavors to provide effective remedial services, but the academy does not guarantee specific outcomes or improvements in the learner's academic performance. Results may vary depending on various factors, including the learner's commitment, effort, and individual circumstances.

14. General

14.1 Any failure or delay by either party to enforce or exercise any provision of these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.
14.2 These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the clients and Conperior Academy and supersede any prior agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter herein.
14.3If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
14.4 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where Conperior Academy operates.

15. Modification of Terms

15.1 Conperior Academy reserves the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Clients are responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions periodically to stay informed of any changes.
15.2 By continuing to use Conperior Academy services and platforms after any modifications to the terms and conditions, clients indicate their acceptance of the revised terms.
15.3 If clients do not agree with the modified terms and conditions, their sole recourse is to discontinue the use of Conperior Academy services and platforms.

16. Rights and Obligations

16.1 Rights of Conperior Academy:
16.1.1 Conperior Academy reserves the right to modify, update, suspend, or discontinue any part of its platforms, services, or programs, with or without prior notice.
16.1.2 Conperior Academy may collect and process personal information of clients in accordance with its Privacy Policy, which forms an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.
16.1.3 Conperior Academy retains ownership of all intellectual property rights related to its platforms, content, resources, and services. Clients are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the platforms and content solely for educational purposes, as outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
16.2 Obligations of Clients:
16.2.1 Clients shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Conperior Academy's rules and policies while using its platforms, services, or programs.
16.2.2 Clients shall provide accurate, complete, and up-to-date information during the registration or enrollment process and shall promptly notify Conperior Academy of any changes to their information.
16.2.3 Clients shall not engage in any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, modification, or exploitation of Conperior Academy's platforms, content, or intellectual property rights.
16.2.4 Clients shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their login credentials, and any activity conducted using their accounts shall be deemed their responsibility.

17. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By accessing, using, or interacting with Conperior Academy's platforms or services, clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the terms and conditions outlined herein. Clients further acknowledge that these terms and conditions may be updated or amended periodically, and it is their responsibility to review them regularly and adhere to the most current version.

About Us
8 Haymeadow Crescent
Kruinsig, Faerie Glen 0081
Pretoria, Gauteng
South Africa
+2774 041 9393
  • Checkpoint 8 & 9
  • GCSE
  • AS/A-Level
  • Senior Phase (NSC)
  • FET Phase
  • O Level
  • A Level
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